Hands connetcing

Anti-Oppression Statement

Deep Roots Music Cooperative recognizes that in order to work towards our goals of inclusivity, meaningful connections between cultures, and establishing safe spaces for community groups, artists, and audiences, we must work together with the broader community to dismantle oppression and racism in everything that we do.

We value the fact that members of our organization have different life experiences and backgrounds, which shape the dynamics of power and privilege in the spaces where we come together.

We commit to respectfully challenging each other to learn and grow in our awareness, to building strong connections with communities who have been historically under-represented on Nova Scotia stages, and to creating opportunities to showcase a spectrum of artists that are representative of the diverse communities in which we live.

Deep Roots Music Cooperative aims to create positive spaces where all can participate meaningfully regardless of race, gender, class, sexuality, age or ability. Any and all sexist, racist, homophobic, ableist, ageist, transphobic or otherwise oppressive language or behaviour will not be tolerated.

Deep Roots Music Cooperative Respect for All Policy

Policy and Undertakings

The Deep Roots Music Cooperative (DRMC) is committed to creating and maintaining a culture of respect for all people in all of its activities and events. Consequently, the DRMC is committed to taking action to support and encourage this culture, as well as action to prevent and respond to allegations or instances of disrespect, including harassment and sexual harassment. All participants (e.g., employees, volunteers, performers, sponsors, and patrons) at any and all DRMC events are expected to demonstrate respect for all others and for the public, and to refrain from behaviour that is disrespectful, including behaviour that may constitute any and all harassment (including sexual harassment).

The DRMC undertakes to;

  1. take seriously all allegations of, or concerns about, disrespectful behaviour or harassment
  2. assign responsibility and give authority to an individual or small group of individuals to respond quickly to any such concerns or allegations
  3. create and follow a simple process by which allegations will be investigated, and to respond as quickly as possible to any concerns or allegations 
  4. to review this policy, these undertakings, and the related procedures and protocols annually, and to update them as appropriate.

Definition of Terms:

Respect means to show regard or consideration for people, and to refrain from intruding upon or interfering with their activities, privacy, etc.

Harassment is a generic term that can refer to any single instance or a pattern of behaviour of one or more people, where the effect, intentional or unintentional, is that a hostile, offensive, or intimidating environment is created for another person or a group of people.  “Sexual harassment” refers to any unwelcome conduct that is directed towards an individual because of his or her gender or sexual identity, or that is sexual in intent or nature, and which has the purpose or effect of interfering with that person’s performance. 

It is not possible to identify every action (including verbal comments, emails, voicemail messages, or the distribution of written or pictorial material) that may constitute harassment: however, examples of behaviour that may constitute harassment include:

  • Inappropriate comments that are gender-based, sexual, ethnic in nature, or related to personal characteristics
  • Unwelcome flirtations, advances, or requests for sexual favours
  • Sexually suggestive comments or jokes
  • Comments regarding the sexual behaviour or the body of another person
  • Sexual innuendo and other actions, such as whistling
  • Unwanted touching or sexual advances
  • Publishing or distributing or sending obscene letters, emails, notes, invitations, photographs, cartoons, articles, or other written or pictorial materials of a sexual nature.
  • Religious insults
  • Racial insults
  • Bullying or threats
  • Age-based remarks
  • Derogatory or sexist jokes or epithets