Deep Roots Music Festival 2016 was a resounding success …  great weather, sold out shows,  and a general festive atmosphere all around town.   

Just to name a few of the many highlights … Thursday night’s collaboration between David Myles and Classified gave many a new appreciation of rap music, the Saturday late night party at the Wolfville farmers’ market was amazing, the Rise Up Singing tribute to  Ron Hines on Sunday morning, led by Lennie Gallant, was a tremendous success with a record number of attendees and about $2500 and two car loads of food raised for the food bank; and over the weekend, a number of new young Maritime bands, Port Cities, Hillsburn, and Ten Strings and a Goat Skin, were showcased … all of whom received standing ovations.  

So much talent on our stages.  So heartwarming to see and feel the way music brings people together, on all kinds of levels.  So worthwhile!!!  

Now, we turn to planning for next year …  remember, you are part of the experience and your input is always appreciated, in fact, your input is necessary to help create the festival as it evolves.

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